Pepakura mac alternative Équivalent de CAO pour faire un design de mode pour Mac.
Pepakura Viewer is a Free Dedicated Viewer that shows works created by Pepakura Designer.

The save and export functions are disabled before registering. Pepakura Designer allows you to easily create papercraft models from 3D data you create from your favorite 3D software. It's an excellent alternative to 3D printing, especially for masks and. It folds out the model and adds glue tabs so you can print it on paper and make your model in real life. Pepakura Designer 3 is a great and popular program for making real world papercraft models from 3D digital models. Running Pepakura Designer on a Mac to Make Papercraft.Guten Abend Community, Habt ihr vielleicht eine Ahnung, ob es eine Programmalternative für Pepakura gibt, die kompatibel mit dem Mac ist? Ich muss für meine Uni einen, in Cinema4D erstellten, verzerrten Würfel in ein Faltmodell konvertieren, um es dann ganz einfach auf Din A4 zu drucken Pepakura Designer Alternatives and Similar Photos Sadly, Mac's can't handle that shit, so what would be a good alternative? I really want to make some life sized Iron Man armor to make out of foam, but is there a program to make this easier? I'm a huge beginner so. Mac Alternatives to Pepakura? I just recently got a nice Mac, and what do you know, I discover Pepakura. Other great apps like Pepakura Designer are Unfold3D (Paid), Ultimate Papercraft 3D (Paid), PaperMaker (Free) and Ultimate Unwrap 3D (Paid) Mac Alternatives to Pepakura? Close. The best alternative is 123D Make, which is free. There are more than 10 alternatives to Pepakura Designer for a variety of platforms, including Windows, Mac, Linux, iPhone and iPad.